onsdag den 30. oktober 2013

He's in my dreams

He appears in almost every dream of mine. I see his face. I can almost touch him. The dreams is nightmares to me because when I wake up he's gone. I am mad, crazy or nuts.
I want to talk with him every day but I can't. I want to write to him every day but he would probably think that I was annoying. He don't write to me ever - if I what to write with him, I have to start the conversation. I ask questions and he replies shortly.
It's been a lot of months since I met him and he has been in my mind ever since.

torsdag den 17. oktober 2013

Love among us

Even if I don't have the love of my life, that doesn't mean that other people can't find love.
I saw my older brother look at a girl the way a lovelook should look like. I didn't know her. I could see in his eyes, that he was in love with this strange and unknown girl. The his heart where beating harder and stronger for her. The way he hold her hand, and how he cared for her. The he was brighter, he shined and had this big smile in her company.
Envy came. I was jealous, I am jealous. I want to find that love too. Be happy with a another person.
Well.. That it what everyone seeks. True love.
But I wonder if there are such thing as true love.

There are 7,200,000,000 people in the world. And that's a lot! So the half of this big number is men in all ages.
Out of this number are there 16,3% from the age 15-24. So is it possible that there is no guy for me out there somewhere, when the love of my life, don't love me back?